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news 03/2023

news 03/2023 published on

„Bandcamp Friday“ am 3. März 2023

0:00-23:59 pacific time

„… on Bandcamp Fridays, an average of 93% of your money reaches the artist …“

album collection 2007 2023

Listen & buy my Album-Collection (2007-2023) on

STEAM HAMMER (2023) € 4.00
MOMENTUM (2022) € 4.00
SNOWY TRACKS (2021) € 7.00
VI (2020) € 7.00
V (2012) € 5.00
MIND TRIPS (2010) € 7.00
NEBULOUS (2010) € 6.00
LUMINOUS (2008) € 7.00
FROST (2007) € 7.00

news 12/2022

news 12/2022 published on

new Album released


Am 4. Dezember 2022 wurde auf mein neustes Album MOMENTUM released.
Es spiegelt die letzten 12 Monate meiner Arbeiten an Solo-Drumming, Live-Electronics und Field-Recording-Sounds.
Das Album kann auf angehört und zu einem Preis von € 4.00 (oder mehr) als Digital-Download in hoher Qualität erworben werden.

On December 4th, 2022 my latest album MOMENTUM was released on
It reflects the last 12 months of my work on solo drumming, live electronics and field recording sounds.
The album can be listened to at and purchased as a high quality digital download for €4.60 (or more).

put on your best headphones and listen carefully to it

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