Album Release & ReMixes
Michael Hoffmann – Bella Vista II
„Bella Vista II“ is release number eleven of my work collection.
„Bella Vista II“ is the second part of the „Bella Vista“ album series, released 03 March 2024 on
„Bella Vista’s“ music lets the eye glide far across electro-acoustic soundscapes and takes the listener into an individual head cinema adventure.
All tracks are based on improvisations with drums, percussion and live electronics.
This music is made for your inner head cinema!
Please put on your best headphones, close your eyes, open your mind and enjoy the beautiful view with this sound adventure 🙂
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – Bella Vista II
total time: 30:53 minutes
released 03-March-2024
all instruments, live-electronics & sound design by Michael Hoffmann
all music produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Michael Hoffmann
recorded 2023 at Space-Time-Lab
cover design by Michael Hoffmann
photo © by Michael Hoffmann
© 2024 by Michael Hoffmann
Buy this Digital Album for € 4.60 or more
high-quality download ((MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – Bella Vista I
„Bella Vista I“ is release number ten of my work collection.
„Bella Vista I“ is the first part of the „Bella Vista“ album series, released 17 December 2023 on
„Bella Vista’s“ music lets the eye glide far across electro-acoustic soundscapes and takes the listener into an individual head cinema adventure.
This sonic adventure will continue in March 2024 with „Bella Vista II“.
All tracks are based on improvisations with drums, percussion and live electronics.
This music is made for your inner head cinema!
Please put on your best headphones, close your eyes, open your mind and enjoy the beautiful view with this sound adventure 🙂
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – Bella Vista I
total time: 30:53 minutes
released 17-December-2023
all instruments, live-electronics & sound design by Michael Hoffmann
all music produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Michael Hoffmann
recorded 2023 at Space-Time-Lab
cover design by Michael Hoffmann
photo © by Michael Hoffmann
© 2023 by Michael Hoffmann
Buy this Digital Album for € 4.60 or more
high-quality download ((MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – STEAM HAMMER
All tracks on STEAM HAMMER were created in December 2021 during the dubbing of the six-part Billy Bitzer film documentary „Westinghouse Works“ from 1904. When I was looking for old silent film materials, I came across this industrial film documentary from the early days of moving film. Billy Bitzer’s film impressively shows the hard work in the factory halls, forges and foundries of the Westinghouse Group. I tried to realize these impressions into music by improvising with drums, percussion and live electronics.
For this album all audio tracks have been remixed and remastered.
this music is made for your inner head cinema.
best listening experience with good headphones, closed eyes and open mind.
enjoy it 🙂
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – STEAM HAMMER
total time: 30:37 minutes
released 01-January-2023
all instruments, live-electronics & sound design by Michael Hoffmann
all music produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Michael Hoffmann
recorded 2021 at Space-Time-Lab
cover design by Michael Hoffmann
© 2023 by Michael Hoffmann
Buy this Digital Album for € 4.60 or more
high-quality download (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – MOMENTUM
„momentum“ is release number eight of my work collection.
all tracks are based on live electronic improvisations.
some tracks have been carefully refined with a few overdubs.
it reflects the last 12 months of my work on solo drumming, live electronics and field recording sounds.
this music is made for your inner head cinema.
best listening experience with good headphones, closed eyes and open mind.
enjoy it 🙂
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – MOMENTUM
total time: 30:53 minutes
released 04-December-2022
all instruments, live-electronics & sound design by Michael Hoffmann
all music produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Michael Hoffmann
recorded 2021/2022 at Space-Time-Lab
cover design by Michael Hoffmann
photo © by Claudia Jäger
© 2022 by Michael Hoffmann
Buy this Digital Album for € 4.60 or more
high-quality download ((MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – SNOWY TRACKS
SNOWY TRACKS is release number seven of my work collection.
all tracks are based on live electronic improvisations.
some tracks have been carefully refined with a few overdubs.
this music is made for your inner head cinema, a dark beauty in a white costume.
best listening experience with good headphones, closed eyes and open mind.
enjoy your trip 🙂
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – SNOWY TRACKS
total time: 50:20 minutes
released 26-September-2021
all instruments, live-electronics & sound design by Michael Hoffmann
all music produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Michael Hoffmann
recorded 2020/2021 at Space-Time-Lab
cover design by Michael Hoffmann
postcard image by unknown author, public-domain-mark-1.0 licence,
special thanks to “Hessische Kulturstiftung” for supporting this project
© 2021 by Michael Hoffmann
Buy this Digital Album for € 7.60 or more
high-quality download (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – VI
this is album number VI
… all tracks are pure improvisations on drums,
percussion and live-electronics
… individually or in combination
… between Free Improv and Dark Ambient
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – VI
total time: 47:48 minutes
released 30-October-2020
all instruments, live-electronics and sound-design by Michael Hoffmann
all music recorded and produced by Michael Hoffmann
recorded 2019/2020 at Space-Time-Lab
all tracks are pure improvisations,
* except “Fuzzy Peaks” includes additional arranged drums & percussion overdubs
recording, mixing and mastering by Michael Hoffmann
cover art & design by Michael Hoffmann
special thanks to „Hessische Kulturstiftung“ for supporting this project
© 2020 by Michael Hoffmann
Buy this Digital Album for € 7.20 or more
high-quality download (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – V
[… zweieinhalb jahre nach „nebulous“ kehrt michael hoffmann mit einem neuen album zurück zu tonAtom. mit schlagwerk und field-recordings legt er die grundlage für seine klangwelten aus bearbeiteten samples und loops. zwischen experiment, elektronik und jazz-elementen changieren seine arbeiten, zwischen wiedererkennbarem und ungehörtem bewegen sich die klänge. audiophil und innovativ zugleich nimmt er den aufmerksamen hörer mit auf „fünf“ expeditionen in raum und klang. …]
matthias reinwarth, tonAtom
[… two and a half years after „nebulous“ michael hoffmann is back at tonAtom. drums, percussion and field recordings lay the foundation for his soundscapes made of processed samples and loops. his works vary between experiment, electronics and jazz elements, his sounds see-saw between the recognisable and the yet unheard. being both audiophile and innovative he invites his mindful audience to accompany him on „five“ expeditions through space and sound. …]
matthias reinwarth, tonAtom
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – V
total time: 39:07 minutes
released 06-December-2012
published by tonAtom
all Instruments, Programmings, Loop-Processing, Live-Sampling & Sound-Design by Michael Hoffmann
recorded & mixed at Space-Time-Lab by Michael Hoffmann
mastered by Xenoton
produced by Michael Hoffmann
all music © by Michael Hoffmann
artwork & photography: Laura Marie Reinwarth
coordination by Matthias Reinwarth
„The Monolith“: Homage to „2001 – A Space Odyssey“
„Two Shots At Dawn“: Homage to Heinrich von Kleist & Henriette Vogel
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany License.
Buy this Digital Album for € 5.00 or more
high-quality download (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – MIND TRIPS
[… Monotony is being underestimated. Mostly equated with boredom and uniformity, you usually rather try to avoid than to seek it. But if you expose yourself to it in various contexts, you might discover rhythmic and enlightening sides to it, until in the end you might even associate it with autonomy. As a drummer, Michael Hoffmann knows all about the rhythmic powers of monotony. As an ambient musician, he also knows a fair lot about its enlightening qualities. On his second e.p. on iD.EOLOGY he therefore contrasts the
oppressive, mechanical tedium of an industrial assembly-line with the organic solitude of primeval landscapes. Time slows down in the eternal darkness of a maritime abyss, the self is being reflected on the horizon by the shimmering heat of the barren outback, the tundra’s relentless iciness freezes the body’s shell, insulating the soul hermetically. While the focus shifts from outside to inside, the spirit starts to vibrate, a gate to the centre of a universe behind the forehead springs open. A universe that follows only those rules and contains only that which you have created yourself. Autonomously. …]
volker tripp, ideology
[… Monotonie wird unterschätzt. Meist mit Langeweile und Einförmigkeit gleichgesetzt, gilt es für gewöhnlich eher, sie zu vermeiden als sie zu suchen. Doch wer sich ihr in unterschiedlichen Kontexten stellt, der mag ihr rhythmische und vielleicht sogar erhellende Seiten abgewinnen und assoziiert sie schließlich sogar eher mit Autonomie. Als Drummer weiß Michael Hoffmann um die rhythmische Kraft der Monotonie. Als Ambient-Musiker weiß er aber ebenfalls einiges über ihre erhellenden Qualitäten. Und so kontrastiert er auf seiner zweiten EP auf iD.EOLOGY die erdrückende mechanische Eintönigkeit industrieller Fertigungsstraßen mit der organischen Einöde urzeitlicher Landschaften. In der ewigen Finsternis eines maritimen Abgrunds verlangsamt sich die Zeit, das Selbst spiegelt sich am Horizont in der flirrenden Hitze des kargen Outback, die gnadenlose Kälte der Tundra gefriert die Körperhülle und schirmt die Seele
hermetisch ab. Während der Fokus von außen nach innen wandert, gerät der Geist in Schwingung, öffnet sich das Tor zum Zentrum eines Universums hinter der Stirn. Ein Universum, in dem nur das gilt und nur das existiert, was man selbst geschaffen hat. Ganz autonom. …]
volker tripp, ideology
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – MIND TRIPS
released 04-August-2010
published by iDeology
All Tracks composed, recorded, mixed & produced by Michael Hoffmann
All instruments, live-sampling and sound-design by Michael Hoffmann
recorded & mixed at Space-Time-Lab by Michael Hoffmann
mastered by Daniel „Sudio“ Chamrad
Artwork by Monsieur J..
Der Schlagzeuger Michael Hoffmann zeigt mit diesem Ambient-Album, was ein gefühlvoller Drummer jenseits donnernder Beats und virtuoser Soli mit percussiven Instrumenten und Sample- und Looptechniken anstellen kann. Hoffmann ist in der Netlabel-Szene kein Unbekannter, einige ähnlich gelagerte Werke sind von ihm im Umlauf. Diesmal sind es fünf Tracks, die insgesamt 58:45 lang sind. Jeweils um einen Zentralrhythmus gelagerte Improvisationen und Soundmarkierungen begleiten und ergänzen den Beat. Es gibt keine gewaltigen Ausbrüche, keine dramatischen Exkursionen, alles bleibt verhalten, im Ungewissen, Geheimnisvollen. Oft wird der Echoeffekt eingesetzt, dem Sound kann man eine gewisse Düsterheit nicht absprechen. Das ist ein Album,
dem man mehrere Chancen geben sollte. Mit einem Mal Hören ist es nicht getan und vorteilhaft für das Verständnis dieser Musik wäre ein gewisses Gefühl für monotone Strukturen. Hier wird mit feinem Pinsel gearbeitet, deshalb erfordern die Stücke Aufmerksamkeit. Im längsten Stück, Tunguska (18:40), öffnet Hoffmann den Horizont etwas und produziert beinahe so etwas wie ein herkömmliches Schlagzeugsolo plus rückwärts eingespielten Soundrhythmus und anderen Effekten. Mind Trips ist wie ein Abenteuer ohne Risiko. Man sollte sich dieses Abenteuer gönnen!
Buy this Digital Album for € 5.00 or more
high-quality download (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – NEBULOUS
[… michael hoffmann does not need to be introduced to the netaudio world. several netlabels have seen him publishing excellent releases in various constellations and styles. this time he presents his experimental side as a solo artist on tonAtom: the acoustic drumkit is the starting point (in terms of both composition and sound) for five aural journeys between live sampling, loop processing and highly sophisticated studio work. he shows us his sounds en detail through the magnifying glass and through the scanning microscope;
and lets them vanish into the fogs of the atmospheres he has created. let’s accompany michael hoffmann on his journey into the extraordinary sound world he created for us using his drums and his electronics. …]
matthias reinwarth, tonAtom
[… michael hoffmann muss man in der netaudio-welt nicht weiter vorstellen. in diversen konstellationen und stilen hat er auf verschiedenen netlabels exzellente releases veröffentlicht. auf tonAtom zeigt er nun im alleingang seine experimentelle seite: das akustische schlagzeug ist der kompositorische und klangliche ausgangspunkt für fünf hörreisen zwischen live-sampling, loop-processing und filigranster studioarbeit. er zeigt uns seine klänge en detail unter der lupe und im rastermikroskop, nur um sie gleich wieder im nebel seiner atmosphären entschwinden zu lassen. begleiten wir michael hoffmann auf seiner reise in die außergwöhnlichen klangwelten, die er mit seiner kombination aus schlagzeug und elektronik für uns erschaffen hat. …]
matthias reinwarth, tonAtom
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – NEBULOUS
total time: 58:45 minutes
released 26-March-2010
published by tonAtom
all Music, Instruments, Programming, Live-Sampling & Sound-Design by Michael Hoffmann
recorded & mixed at Space-Time-Lab by Michael Hoffmann
mastered by KLINGT / SoundDesign & AudioArt
produced by Michael Hoffmann
all music © by Michael Hoffmann
cover design by Alexander „aljen“ Jensko
photography by Michael Hoffmann
coordination by Matthias Reinwarth
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany License.
Auf diesem rund 45min Album des Schlagzeugers Michael Hoffmann geht es experimentell und artifiziell zu. Übereinander gelagerte Soundspuren, sparsam in der Lautstärke und im Grenzbereich musikalischer Äußerung angesiedelt, erfinden eine von Echos durchdrungene Landschaft, die jeder beim Hören für sich selbst entdecken wird. Die Kombination Schlagzeug und elektronische Effekte ergibt hier eine, wie ich finde, gelungene Symbiose, was dem Einfallsreichtum Hoffmanns zu verdanken ist. Er scheint genau über dieses Quentchen Gespür zu verfügen, um derartige Musikkonstrukte in der „richtigen“ Dosis anzubieten. Er protzt nicht, sondern geht behutsam und auf Feinheiten bedacht vor.
Buy this Digital Album for € 5.00 or more
high-quality download (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – LUMINOUS
[… If you can trust Brian Eno, then ambient has the capacity to put the listener into a different, not necessarily existent environment just by the use of sound, and to acoustically confront him with new sensations of space. Even though carrying on with this tradition, Michael Hoffmann breaks some more modern ground soundwise on his first solo-ep on iD.EOLOGY. Minimalist is how he goes about when bit by bit, the penumbral monstrous steel-construction of an abandoned industrial ruin appears in the mechanical monotony of resonating feedback-loops and stolid muffled beats. Debris of clanging metal and crumbly noise cover the ground, the walls of the corroded workshop answer each step with a multiple echo. Very slowly a harmonic crescendo illuminates the room, bathing it in the sunny glow of warm, comforting pads and touching it with the soft summer breeze of glittering arpeggios. What you are normally likely to encounter during an arts-performance, is what this ep achieves solely by means of sound. So creating and changing environments, generating and conveying new sensations of space is possible in a different way. But who would ever have doubted that you can trust Brian Eno. …]
Volker Tripp, iD.eology
[… Wenn man Brian Eno Glauben schenken darf, dann ermöglicht es Ambient, den Hörer allein durch Klänge in eine andere, nicht notwendigerweise tatsächlich existente Umgebung zu versetzen und ihn akustisch mit einem
neuen Raumgefühl zu konfrontieren. Ganz in dieser Tradition verhaftet, beschreitet Michael Hoffmann auf seiner ersten Solo-EP auf iD.EOLOGY soundtechnisch dennoch modernere Pfade. Minimalistisch geht es zu, wenn in der mechanischen Monotonie resonierender Feedbackschleifen und schwerfälliger Mumpfbeats Stück für Stück die monströse Stahlkonstruktion einer verlassenen Industrieruine im Halbdunkel erscheint. Trümmerteile aus metallischem Schnarren und krümeligem Noise bedecken den Boden, die Wände der verrosteten Werkshalle beantworten jeden Schritt mit einem vielfachen Echo. Ganz langsam läßt ein harmonisches Crescendo den Raum erstrahlen, taucht ihn in das sonnige Leuchten wohlig wärmender Flächen und durchweht ihn mit der spätsommerlichen Brise glitzernder Arpeggios. Was man sonst eher auf einer Kunstperformance erlebt, das erledigt diese EP auf rein akustischem Weg. Umgebungen zu erschaffen und zu verändern, neue räumliche Eindrücke zu erzeugen und zu vermitteln geht also tatsächlich auch anders. Aber wer hätte je daran gezweifelt, dass man Brian Eno Glauben schenken darf. …]
Volker Tripp, iD.eology
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – LUMINOUS
total time: 62:09 minutes
released 21-August-2008
published by iDeology
all Music, Drums, Keys, Percussion, Programming, Sampling & Sound-Design by Michael Hoffmann
recorded & mixed at Space-Time-Lab by Michael Hoffmann
mastered by Sudio
produced by Michael Hoffmann
all music © by Michael Hoffmann
cover design by Michael Hoffmann
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany License.
Buy this Digital Album for € 5.00 or more
high-quality download (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – FROST
total time: 63:18 minutes
released: 21-September-2007
published by Legoego
FROST, is slowly covering. Laughing about that „summer“. The fall seems to become a myth of another worlds history. Magnetic fields are moving. Seasons are fusioning. We feel that. After „Ceci N’est Pas Beaux Art“ (LEGO203; a modern band project) we present you music from a band-player. Michael Hoffmann who usually acts as drummer, „the Metronoman“ in several bands and projects. After his last collaboration with Philipp Weigl (Autoplate; APL048) Michael transports his knowledge and experiences from all his jams and studio works as a drummer and producer into a solo „LP“ for the first time. The result is a sound-universe conditioned by the dynamics between icy pads, cryptic vocal and field-recording-fragments on the one hand and jazzy keys, funky pitched synths, strings and guitars floating above complex beat structures on the other. Enough words… Tune in if your heart is still beating!
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
Michael Hoffmann – FROST
released 21-September-2007 @ LEGOEGO
Drums, Keys, Percussion, Vox, Programming, Sampling & Sound-Design by Michael Hoffmann
recorded & mixed at Space-Time-Lab by Michael Hoffmann
produced by Michael Hoffmann
all music © by Michael Hoffmann
cover design by Michael Hoffmann
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany License.
Review aus „MP3-Tipps des Monats“, BEAT-Magazin 02/2008
Thomas L. Raukamp (Chefredakteur)
Buy this Digital Album for € 5.00 or more
high-quality download (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, AAC, Ogg, WAV, AIFF) at
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Michael Hoffmann – „RUFF-STUFF-Edition“
RUFF-STUFF Edition is a documentation of live-sampling experiments, which I produced in 2009 on a period of 8 months.
All 31 tracks are pure improvisations by using live-sampling work and were occasionally grafted by carefully additions (add. Instuments, Efx, mixing).
listen & load to the complete editionfor free here
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!
all Instruments, Voice*, Programming, Live-Sampling & Sound-Design by Michael Hoffmann
recorded, mixed & mastered at Space-Time-Lab by Michael Hoffmann
produced by Michael Hoffmann
all music © by Michael Hoffmann
*RS-09-0209 „Section 29 – Muscles of the Mouth“ of „Anatomy of the Human Body“ by Henry Gray, read by Morgan Scorpion
Review by Marac, 28-October-2011
A massive dose of experimental ambient
I pondered for a long time how to review and rate this album – over 5 hours (!) of experimental improvised ambient. It is hard to comprehend, it is hard to listen in one take. It requires a lot of attention to catch the subtleties of particular tracks, which all are slow-paced, quiet and drum-based. For people that don’t have much experience with such music it would be probably a torture. Of course, its inaccessibility for general public should not influence an opinion on music as such.So what is my opinion? I’m still not sure. I guess you won’t be very surprised if I write that it’s too long and it’d profit from some selection of the recorded material. However, you’ll probably be very surprised when you read that I’d delete only three tracks. In all the rest the artist somehow managed to include enough interesting ideas or to produce fine disturbing atmosphere to keep my attention focused. This fact only deserves the highest praise, because it requires a true genius to improvise such massive dose of ambient music without making it boring or too repetitive. One must also have a lot of courage to publish such unconventional work.
On the other hand I won’t give the highest rating just because of the qualities of the artist himself. This is a review of music, not of the artist’s talent as such (which is – without any doubt – enormous). I also won’t rate the originality by itself, just like I refused to lower the score because of inaccessibility. What truly matters is if it is good music, enjoyable (in a broad sense of the word) and worth of repeated listening. The answer is of course „yes“, but at the same time it is not perfect recording for me. I truly appreciate the artist’s mastery as well as novelty and originality of this work, but I cannot give full 5 stars. I’d give 4.5, if possible. Anyhow, this is an exceptional album and should be on a „must-listen“ list of every true fan of ambient.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany License
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Michael Hoffmann – ReMixes
(2006 – 2013)
1. Maciek Szymczuk – Cumulonimbus Capillatus Remix
. original music by Maciek Szymczuk from the Album CLOUDS
. © 2012 by Maciek Szymczuk
. released 2013 on „Maciek Szymczuk – Rare Species Vol 1“ at Zoharum Records
. remixed 2013 by Michael Hoffmann
. additional percussion, synth, live-sampling & sound-design by Michael Hoffmann
2. Elvira Plenar – Remix #1
. original music by Elvira Plenar from the Album Klavier Improvisationen
. © 1995/1996 by E.Plenar
. released 2002 at amphion records
. remixed 2011 by Michael Hoffmann
. additional drums, synth & sound-design by Michael Hoffmann
3. Elvira Plenar – Remix #2
. original music by Elvira Plenar from the Album Klavier Improvisationen
. © 1995/1996 by E.Plenar
. released 2002 at amphion records
. remixed 2011 by Michael Hoffmann
. additional sound-design by Michael Hoffmann
4. Elvira Plenar – Remix #3
. original music by from the Album Klavier Improvisationen
. © 1995/1996 by E.Plenar
. released 2002 at amphion records
. original music by Elvira Plenar & Karin Ernst from the Album sonus@anima
. © 2006 by E.Plenar & K.Ernst
. released 2006 at UNIT-RECORDS
. remixed 2011 by Michael Hoffmann
. additional drums, synth & sound-design by Michael Hoffmann
5. SONUS@ANIMA – Remix #1
. original music by Elvira Plenar & Karin Ernst from the Album sonus@anima
. © 2006 by E.Plenar & K.Ernst
. released 2006 at UNIT-RECORDS
. remixed 2009 by Michael Hoffmann
. additional drums by Michael Hoffmann
6. SONUS@ANIMA – Remix #2
. original music by Elvira Plenar & Karin Ernst from the Album sonus@anima
. © 2006 by E.Plenar &; K.Ernst
. released 2006 at UNIT-RECORDS
. remixed 2009 by Michael Hoffmann
. additional drums, voice & sound-design by Michael Hoffmann
7. Nils-Petter Molvaer DARKER – Remix
. original music by Nils Petter Molvaer from the Album ER
. © 2005 by Nils Petter Molvaer
. released 2005 at SULA-RECORDS
. remixed 2006 by Michael Hoffmann for JAZZECHO-Remix-Contest-2006
. additional drums, synth & programmings by Michael Hoffmann
we dispense on mono compatibility – best listening with good stereo headphones!